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Goldtex Blog

  • How to Store, Freeze and Thaw Breast Milk - Goldtex
    January 29, 2022

    How to Store, Freeze and Thaw Breast Milk

    Expressed breast milk is the best food for your baby to have when you're not there. So how do you store and use your milk safely? If you're returning to work, heading to a gym class or simply want your...

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  • Why Choose a GLASS Baby Bottle? - Goldtex
    January 29, 2022

    Why Choose a GLASS Baby Bottle?

    Glass can last for ages and generations, where as plastic bottles has to be replaced every now and then. Glass bottles are more thermal and will keep the content warm or cold for longer time. Glass is so much easier to clean. Glass is a natural resource. Borosilicate glass is the type of glass that resists temperature chock best, extreme temperatures and a more light (not heavy) type of glass. It's very resistant even to scratches and has good hygienic features. That's also the reason that it's the glass type chosen for laboratories.
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  • Why we Love Sophie la Girafe®? - Goldtex
    January 29, 2022

    Why we Love Sophie la Girafe®?

    Once upon a time... ... the simple story of a girafe borned on May 25th in the year 1961, Saint Sophie's day. In those days, the only animal toys available were farm animals and pet figures ...That is why one...

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  • High Chair Tricks & Tips - Goldtex
    January 29, 2022

    High Chair Tricks & Tips

    Here's a little tip we know you'll love.You can get even more out of your high chair by using the removable tray as a table top. This is a great way to catch food that kids will some how manage...

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